Over the past 2 years in the PT program I have learned a lot about myself both personally and professionally and feel that I have grown greatly through classes and clinical experiences. Over the past 12 months, I feel that I have had the a lot of improvement in my ability to interact with patients and my ability to confidently complete a subjective and objective assessment of patients. Starting PT school I was least confident with talking to patients and hoping that there was not going to be a difficult conversation. Following my acute care rotation I have been able to learn how to deal with these patients and have been able to gain real world experience.
Over this past year the ability to apply and use all of the information in a practical hands on nature helped to facilitate my learning. I really enjoyed the Fall 2023 semester where we would learn, apply, and discuss the different neuro concepts between all of our different classes. This helped to split the large amount of coursework into different classes but also allowed me to get the information from different perspectives and in slightly different forms and gave me the opportunity to apply it in mock and figure out what worked and did not work prior to heading into clinical rotations with real patients.
Over the next year I am going to work on my ability to work on developing and completing my research project as well as practice increasing my hands on experience and figuring out how to manage documentation, treatments and patients all together. Over this next year I am going to work on better managing my time and planning out my time for specific tasks and assignments. This will help me to manage the different responsibilities in my clinical rotation and will allow me to spend the time needed on school work and help me focus on my studying for the NPTE and finishing writing my research manuscript. I am also going to make sure that this semester I put my clinicals first as I am going to be in a pediatric inpatient/outpatient mixed setting where it will be fast paced and keeping me on my feet on the daily. 
PTH 646 Orthopedic Interventions
PTH 646 Orthopedic Interventions
Skeleton Recovering from Ruptured Achilles Tendon
Skeleton Recovering from Ruptured Achilles Tendon
Jackson and arial view of Kilkenny
Jackson and arial view of Kilkenny
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